Thursday, August 28, 2008

PottyTrainingBlues---part deux

We have HIT a milestone! Ava peed in the potty for the first time the other night!!! You would have thought she won the nobel prize or an oscar (although Ive never had a child win a nobel prize, I imagine it ranks up there as proud parental moments along with being able to pee on the potty). We danced, and laughed, and jumped up and down shouting/clapping for a good 5 minutes! She then, with the utmost seriousness, said "mommy I need an m&m now". Oh I love this kid...she has a memory like you would not believe. I told her once that if she went pee on the potty, she would get an m&m. I did not tell her this yesterday, but like months ago!! I wanted the enthusiasm for the potty to continue, so we rush to the kitchen in search of something that just might pass as an m&m (after all, she has never even had one!). I thought to myself...CHOCOLATE CHIPS. Ahhh, but in a deep, pregnant desperation for chocolate I had consumed the last of my chocolate chip stash. But, there were butterscotch chips. Could this work?? She tasted it..."mmmmmmmm, mommy that m&m is yummy. I want another!!" HA, I said "Ava, can have them only for peeing on the potty". So, guess what she did? Thats right, she peed on the potty about 7 more times that night...over and over. Even if it was just a drop, she would look at me with that same excitement as the very first time and would say with utter pride "MOMMY LOOOOOOOOOK, I DID IT!!!!!" "Can I have an M&M now?"

ayayayay. So there is my PTB story # 3

The next morning, we put on her diaper as if the whole m&m saga never even happened. But, could this be the end of PTB stories?? By this time next Thursday, Ava WILL be potty trained and diapers will be a thing of the past! (Do you like my confidence?) Next Tuesday, we are starting the "Potty Train in 3 days" plan etched out by potty training fanatic Lora Jensen. It works for EVERY kid, so that would include Ava right? Sure!! So, Im waiting til Tuesday in hopes that Chris will be home to help with Logan. Lora's directions are that the trainee have your full attention. We also have some preparing to do. Ava and I are going this afternoon to pick out her big girl underwear, some fun activities and little prizes to keep us entertained and motivated, OH...and of course m&ms. The real kind this time, not the "whatever mommy can find in the cupboard kind"! So, wish us luck!! I will keep you posted of course!

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